How to add a secondary dashboard to Filament


To get a new dashboard with widgets on Filament, there are a few steps to get going:

  • Create a new `Dashboard.php` file in Pages.
  • Remove the old dashboard class file in `AdminPanelProvider.php` file.
  • Ensure you have the correct widgets specified in getWidgets() for the old and new dashboard, e.g.:
class LicenseDashboard extends \Filament\Pages\Dashboard
    protected static string $routePath = 'licenses';
    protected static ?string $title = 'Licenses';
    protected static ?int $navigationSort = 11;
    protected static ?string $navigationGroup = 'System';
    protected static ?string $navigationIcon = 'heroicon-o-star';

    function getWidgets(): array
        return [

    public static function canAccess(): bool
        return auth()->user()->role==Role::SuperAdmin;

As you can see, to further limit the dashboard on a multi-tenancy system we also use `canAccess()` to check the role.